















基調講演、センス・オブ・ワンダーナイト、インターナショナルパーティ、インディストリームフェス等、多くのイベントに出席させて頂いたのですが、特にセンスオブワンダーナイトはずっと気になっていたイベントでもあったので、非常に興味深く見させて頂きました。売れるゲームではなく独創的で面白いゲームを作りプレゼンテーションをする彼らに大きく感銘を受けました。素晴らしいコンセプトの作品が多くプレゼンされていましたが、中でも感動を受けたのは「Frog Climbers」「杵男と臼子」という2つの作品です。受賞はされなかったものの本当に素晴らしい作品だと確信しております。ゲームがインターネットにつながり、オンラインでのコミュニケーションが当たり前になっている現在だからこそ、物理的に近い距離でゲームをプレイすることで対面のコミュニケーションの面白さや重要さを訴えられました。ゲームで人を楽しませるには技術や概念だけではたりなく、開発者によって作品に込められた共感して欲しい気持ちのようなものが重要だと思います。特にコミュニケーションは人によってあり方が多様ですがゲームによってどういうコミュニケーション、コミュニティを作りたいのかを自分がこれからゲームを制作する場合は徹底的に考察しようと考えております。





TGS 2015 Scholarship Participant Report 01: Daisuke Sakamoto (Tokyo Polytechnic University)

First of all, I’d like to extend my gratitude to being given this invaluable experience of touring various studios, and attending the Tokyo Game Show as a IGDA TGS scholar. Thank you very much for this opportunity.

My name is Daisuke Sakamoto, and I am a student at Meiji University’s School of Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences researching about how we could make communication through computers more interesting and effective. To be honest, when I received the acceptance email for the scholarship I was shocked. While I knew I wanted to be a programmer in the game industry, I had not given much thought about what kind of programmer I wanted to be. However, from talking to a ton of people throughout those 4 days of the scholarship, and reflecting upon those conversations, I have been able to affirm the type of programmer I would like to be.

<Studio Tour>
The first day of the scholarship was the studio tours, where we visited DeNA, LAND HO, and Aiming. I learned a lot from all three studios, and they all left an impression that the people there work hard everyday and are driven by their love for making games. Seeing this reminded me of how this industry is filled with passion and dedication.

DeNA, the first studio we visited, not only focused on video games, but also on a variety of other industries, such as healthcare and EC. After the studio’s introductions was the lunch meeting, where we were given time to eat and talk among the company’s employees. Topics ranged from technology to advice about job hunting. The meeting had a vibrant atmosphere, and getting the chance to be exposed to it was something of great significance to me.

At LAND HO, we were taught about the difference between a developer’s and a publisher’s role, what their responsibilties are like, and how each performs their tasks. Previously, I had not even given much conscious thought about which role I would choose, and so this made me think carefully about the direction I’d want to take my career in.

The last studio we visited was Aiming. Following the creed that “people may grow tired of games, but they won’t grow tired of their friends”, they are a company that is focused on developing mobile-oriented MMOs. I found it interesting and surprising that during the introduction to the company, they raised the point that games are an excellent form of communication in media. I realized that one of the strengths of online games was that you could build strong, lasting communities, where you could create enjoyable moments from spending time with friends. Furthermore, I learned the importance in carefully planning a game’s systems of communication, especially in this day and age when games are naturally expected to have internet connectivity.

While this may be obvious to some, the Tokyo Game Show’s Business Day was relatively empty compared to the days where it was open to the general public. So it was an opportunity to visit all kinds of booths and try many different products.
The conference’s Business Day left a lasting impression on me not only because I got to experience many products, but also because I got to rub shoulders with significant creators, such as people who are published in Famitsu.

I attended many events, including the keynote, the Sense of Wonder Night, the International Party, and the Indie Stream Fest. However, the Sense of Wonder Night stood out to me in particular as it was an event that deeply held my interests. I was really impressed by the games that were presented, as the focus was not on making a sellable game, but on games that were creative, unique, and interesting. While there were many amazing game concepts that were shown, the most memorable ones to me were the games “Frog Climbers” and “Kineo & Usuko”. While neither received an award, I truly feel that they are both outstanding games. Those two games highlighted the importance and fun of being able to communicate and play within a physical distance from other players, especially with communication being a given in online games these days. I feel that just having technology and ideas are not enough to make a fun game. Rather, it is also important for developers to put empathy and compassion into their games. While each person may have different ways of communicating, it has inspired me to thoroughly think about the kinds of communication and communities I would want in the games that I make.

<In Closing>
Having participated in the scholarship, I think its biggest benefit was getting to converse with many current developers. From talking to them, I could feel the gap between how students think of the game industry and how the professionals see the industry from their perspective. Not only that, talking to those developers also compelled me to seriously think about what type of creator I want to be in the future. In closing, I’d like to thank the IGDA, the people involved with the scholarship, and the sponsors involved for giving me this wonderful opportunity. I am truly grateful for this rich and worthwhile experience.